James E. West Fellowship

The James E. West Fellowship is presented to individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cash or other property to the endowment fund of a local Boy Scouts of America council. Since 2002, Wahissa Lodge has present at least one $1,000 gift each year to the Old Hickory Council Endowment Fund in honor or in memory of a member of Wahissa Lodge.

Wahissa Lodge has the following James E. West Fellows :

2002 Ken Spicer 2020 David Casstevens 
2003 Ed Warren 2021 Tyler Reinhardt (youth)
2021 Kyle Bolejack (adult)
2004 Ray Caudle 2022 Raike Batten (youth)
2022 Curt Batten (adult)
2005 Carl Upright 2023 Jaron Sears (youth)
2023 Randy Kirby (adult)
2006 Robert Mason (youth)
2006 John Carson (adult)
 2024 Zachary Smith (youth)
2024 Homer Dearmin (adult)
2007 Josh Davis  
2008 Denny Shelton  
2009 Keith Roberts  
2010 Kent Vipond 
2011 Nicholas Daub  
2012 Dave Whitfield  
2013 Ernie Holcomb  
2014 Chris Hull  
2015 Steve Tucker  
2016 Keith Bolejack  
2017 Stephen C. Joyce  
2018 Roger Scott 
2019 Chris Lawson