Events Committee: Led by VCA, Carter Hull and Fellowships Chair Zach Smith
This Committee works to plan each of the lodge event’s with a passion to create fellowship, bonding, laughter, fun, and Brotherhood. This includes game setup, decorating, and staffing / leaders during events.
P.S. – We are looking for people to become scarers for our “Festival of Fears” Haunted Hay Ride and Trail at both of our Ordeal events. ( Email to Join)
Work Projects Committee: Led by VCA, Carter Hull and Work Projects Chair Nathan Dowell
This Committee works to plan each event’s work projects which take place over the weekend. The OA is a service organization so this committee is a vital group that implements this principle through service given back to the camp. This includes work projects creation, planning, and execution by help from our planning team and chosen work project leaders.
Wahissa Lodge offers leadership opportunities for all members to participate in. Below is a list of our current Lodge Committees and the adult advisers for each of them.
Committee | Chairperson | Adult Adviser |
Vigil | Trae Radford | Weston Mosley |
Brotherhood | Blaine Davis | Dan Anthony |
Buildings and Grounds | Hines Batten | Frankie Holloway |
Ceremonies | Augustus Gibson | Mary Walker |
Conclave Delegation | Tobias Mcclain | Travis Gentry |
Cook Crew | Grant Clement | Keith Bolejack |
Cub Scouting | Misha Waddel | Donna Mauldin |
Drum | Jason Monks | Ben Dauphinais |
Elangomat | Dominic Walker | Doug Mcglasson |
Fellowships | Zachary Smith | Jeff Mills |
Regalia | Lacey Johnson | Lucinda Fallin |
Registration | Lynn Feuerberg | Jennifer Weber |
Service Projects | Nathan Dowell | Chris Rhodes |
Trading Post | Emory Culler | Alex Gentry |